Carl Stutzman - Greater Peoria Sports Hall of Fame Inductee 2011

Carl "Pappy" Stutzman was the best skeet shooter's this city and state saw during the 1930s to 1970. Five times he was a member of Jimmy Robinson Sports, field senior or veteran, All-American skeet team. Stutzman estimates he has won over 500 trophies and medals during his 38 years of competitive shooting. He participated in every national tourney from 1954 to 1970. He registered at least 7 perfect 100 competition scores in national competition.

In 1961, at age 71, Stutzman won his first veteran world championship. Except for two years in 1963 and 1967 when he failed to show in the world standings, Stuzman has returned home with a veteran championship medallion.

"Pappy" posted an impressive score in 1968 at the age of 78. He missed only two of 350 birds in the 12 and 20 gauge guns, getting 99 x 100 in the 20 gauge and 249 x 250 with the 12 gauge.

Stutzman lauds his shooting in the 1962 Illinois State Championship as one of his greatest performances. He won the .410 title with 95 and returned to the line to break 98 in the 28 gauge. He beat Bob Shuley, the world junior sensation in a shoot off for the championship. He was 72 at the time.

He co-founded the Peoria Skeet and Trap and helped build it into one of the finest such facilities in the country. He has been not only president of Peoria Skeet and Trap, but president of the state association twice.

Carl "Pappy" Stutzman, who has won world championships 17 times in 10 different years will have his legacy live on as one of the best skeet shooter's of his time. (Recorded in 2011)


Ed Dean - PSTC Life Member